Hypersomnia is a disorder in which people experience excessive daytime sleepiness and prolonged nighttime sleep. People who experience this condition have trouble staying awake throughout the day and fall asleep without warning. It negatively affects the physical and psychological state of the body. Around 5% of the population suffers from this condition. Although most sufferers are forced to take sleeping pills, it is still a concern for many. There is a cure, however.
The symptoms of hypersomnia can be categorised into three types. Primary hypersomnia is characterised by recurring episodes of extreme sleepiness that last for at least two weeks. Other types of hypersomnia occur due to other medical conditions or medications. Insufficient sleep syndrome, on the other hand, occurs when an individual does not sleep enough. Despite being a common symptom of hypersomnia, it can be treated with medication or lifestyle changes. Also patients can follow the best direction to lay when sleeping.
For a more accurate diagnosis, a sleep test may be required. An overnight polysomnogram is a diagnostic test that records the brain’s activity and sleeps patterns throughout the night. A multi-sleep latency test often performed a day after the polysomnogram, monitors the latency of sleep. Patients with hypersomnia may fall asleep within eight minutes or less. If this is the case, it is most likely that you are suffering from idiopathic hypersomnia.
Types Of Hypersomnia
Having a good night’s sleep can be important. Hypersomnia is the ‘check engine light’ for your body. It should be treated as seriously as the check engine light on your car. Here are some of the symptoms to look for in yourself and your partner. Symptoms of hypersomnia may be secondary to a sleep apnea condition. If you are experiencing both primary and secondary forms of hypersomnia, seek medical advice and a diagnosis.
Primary Hypersomnia
In most cases, primary hypersomnia can be treated with prescription drugs, behavioural changes, or a combination of these. Often, doctors prescribe antidepressants or stimulants to treat the underlying cause. These treatments can be lifelong or temporary, depending on the cause. Behavioural changes for primary hypersomnia include maintaining a regular sleep schedule, using a comfortable environment, and avoiding stimulants near bedtime.
Secondary Hypersomnia
Secondary hypersomnia is caused by medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, Parkinson’s disease, or chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition may leave you feeling fatigued throughout the day and causes you to wake up late at night. Primary hypersomnia, on the other hand, is caused by a problem in the brain systems that control sleep. The underlying cause is unclear but is believed to stem from a problem in the brain’s sleep control mechanisms.
Causes Of Hypersomnia
There are many causes of hypersomnia, including alcohol and medication. Insufficient sleep syndrome is another cause. The disorder is often accompanied by growing hunger. This article explores both of these possibilities.
Due to medication or alcohol
Some people are affected by excessive sleepiness, which is also known as hypersomnia, due to certain drugs. These include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, melatonin, sleeping aids, and antihypertensive and anti-epileptic drugs. Others develop insomnia due to withdrawal from stimulants, such as prescription painkillers or alcohol. For a better understanding of this disorder, consult with a physician.
Treatment for hypersomnia is dependent on the severity of symptoms and the probable cause. A sleep specialist will review the patient’s medical history to determine the best treatment. The most common approach is to regulate sleep with lead mediations, such as clonidine and lorazepam. Other treatments are symptomatic, such as changing the diet or exercising before bed. If hypersomnia persists, a physician may prescribe other medications to treat the condition.
Due to underlying disorders
Sleeping problems that result in excessive daytime sleepiness are known as secondary hypersomnia. Secondary hypersomnia is often a result of several underlying disorders such as epilepsy, hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, and brain injuries. Certain medications can also cause hypersomnia. A physician can also perform a polysomnogram to diagnose underlying disorders.
The most common treatment for this condition is lifestyle changes. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol, quitting smoking, and increasing physical activity can all help alleviate daytime sleepiness. In severe cases, prescription medications are used to treat hypersomnia. These drugs can treat sleep apnea, a disorder caused by an obstruction in the airway, or hypersomnia. Ultimately, the treatment for hypersomnia should focus on the underlying disorder and not just the symptoms.
Insufficient sleep syndrome
Insufficient sleep syndrome is defined as three months of excessive sleepiness. Its causes include external demands and voluntary behaviours. Patients with insufficient sleep syndrome tend to oversleep on days off and weekends. The condition requires three consecutive nights of sleepiness, as well as a sleep diary. Polysomnography may be required to determine sleep latency. This measure also includes sleep efficiency and REM period percentage. Then the patient would be suggested the best tricks to sleep fast.
Insufficient sleep is a common cause of fatigue and sleep deprivation. Around two percent of the population suffers from this sleep disorder. It often occurs during young adulthood and remains undetected until the late 30s or early 40s. It is behavioural and results when people push their bedtime too late. Insufficient sleep syndrome causes hypersomnia by depriving the body of needed sleep. People may catch up on sleep during the weekend, but that won’t be enough to compensate for the time they lost during the week.
Treatment options for hypersomnia vary. Treatment can include the use of medications to regulate your sleep and lifestyle changes to make you more alert. There are medications and lifestyle changes that can reduce the effects of hypersomnia, but the results of these measures may not be permanent. However, these treatments can help improve the symptoms of hypersomnia and help you sleep more peacefully.
Medications for hypersomnia include stimulants such as amphetamines, dextroamphetamine, and methylphenidate. These are also sometimes used in combination with antidepressants. Other medications that may be used to treat hypersomnia include bromocriptine, pemoline, and clonidine. Changing sleep habits may also be helpful. For some individuals, a change in diet will help them sleep better.
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