Notwithstanding their unquestionable achievements in various fields, women continue to be underrepresented in leadership roles, which hinders at the attempts to achieve diversity and gender parity objectives, as well as their own influence and effect. It is estimated that women make up approximately half of the working population worldwide. Despite this, Zippia estimates that only 35% of managerial and leadership roles in organisations are held by women. Even fewer occupy top-tier, C-suite level roles.
The most recent 2022 statistics from LinkedIn show that men have a considerably greater likelihood of getting promoted into leadership posts than their female counterparts do. When compared on a worldwide scale in the year 2021, the likelihood of their male counterparts receiving an internal leadership promotion was 33 percent higher, than the likelihood of women receiving such a promotion. Men had a 69% and 65% greater chance of being promoted from inside their companies in nations like the Netherlands and Spain, respectively.
More than ever before, women must make their voices heard and assert leadership positions in the domains where they excel. As one of the core steps to cultivate their courage and abilities in this direction, pursuing a female leadership online programme my assist women in corporate spaces to navigate the relentless business landscape.
Social & Corporate Barriers
There are two different kinds of structural problems that women confront. Some of these problems are found in society as a whole, while others are found in business settings. The factors that are profoundly ingrained in both culture and public policy are what we refer to as societal concerns. Some components of social programmes and policy, low human capital, and the normative expectation of female involvement in service sectors such as education, health services, and social and community services are contributing reasons to the restricted professional growth opportunities for women.
Gender-based obstacles resulting from organisational restrictions and culture are the primary cause of systemic imbalances in the workforce. Unfortunately, these gender-based barriers are independent to an individual’s level of skill. By expecting women to work within a system that was primarily designed by and for traditional male gender roles and life patterns, restrictive organisational norms fail to harness the workforce capability of women and are generally detrimental to the social, economic, and health outcomes of a society.
Navigating Prejudices against Motherhood
In accordance with cultural norms, it is more acceptable for women to halt their careers to care for children or elderly parents than for males to do the same. Even if their resumes are similar to those of childless women or male candidates, mothers and women of childbearing age are less likely to obtain a response from recruiters, even if their resumes are similar to those of male candidates. This highlights gender prejudices that are inherent in the “work/family narrative,” which perceives women through the prism of a caretaker or mother. The inference that they are less devoted to their work, because of their dedication to their families and the care of their children is erroneous.
Uncovering Male Network Silos
The progress of women may be hampered and even prevented by the architecture of certain organisations. These structures comprise social circles which are controlled by males, greater uncertainty about progression, and glass cliffs. Existing networks in companies are often monolithic and have been there for a long time. These are quite challenging for women to break into because women are frequently uncomfortable with interacting in these settings, and also because women are unable to commit the additional time outside of work hours due to their commitments at home. Hence, women have a hard time breaking into these fields.
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