HomeTechInnovation In Forensics

Innovation In Forensics

Since present day criminals are discovering more and more novel methods to commit crimes, of which cyber crime is a glaring example. It is therefore important for forensic experts to continue to research and innovate to ensure that the findings can be used in a court of law as forensic evidence with minimal error.

Forensic science plays a crucial role in solving crime mysteries, in order to create a peaceful society. However, the nature of crimes is changing so dramatically with each passing day, that it has become vital for forensic scientists to improve the accuracy of their analysis procedures.

Role Of Technology In Criminal Justice

As newer technologies are introduced, criminal justice professionals are beginning to benefit from their use. Therefore, all current legal experts and those aspiring for an online master’s degree in criminal justice, should keep track of what is happening in the forensic innovation field.

Role Of Forensic In Verifying Evidence

Modern forensics relies heavily on technology to reach a conclusion.Forensics helps law enforcement agencies and other experts in evidence verification, whether the data collected is true or not. Examination of evidence may further provide clues pertaining to some unknown aspects of a case.

Innovative Methods And Techniques In Forensics Today

There have been various advancements in the science of forensics that have been specifically appreciated by law enforcement agencies. The application of these new techniques, particularly in the fields of ballistics, photography, toxicology narcotics, brain-fingerprinting and narco analysis etc in criminal law has been welcomed by forensic experts and criminal justice investigators alike. Some of these new techniques and methods are:

  • Alternative light photography: Using this new method, law officers and forensic experts can see the damage before it appears on the skin. The technique involves using ultraviolet light through infrared light to uncover information that is otherwise not visible in artificial light.
  • Forensic carbon-14 dating: Also known as radiocarbon dating, this is another important tool which can help to determine how old are the human remains that have been discovered at the scene of crime. The age can be estimated by determining the amount of carbon -14 present in the sample and comparing it with an internationally approved reference scale.
  • Laser Ablation Reluctantly Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: This novel tool enables investigating officers to collect even the minutest evidence from the crime scene. From the type of weapon used in the crime to putting together pieces of shattered glass to find the direction from where a bullet was fired, this novel technique helps recreate it.
  • 3D Forensic facial reconstruction: The software used in this technique extrapolates the human remains found on the crime spot to create a physical image. The facial reconstruction method involves recreating the face of an individual from the skeletal remains using an amalgamation of anatomy, anthropology and osteology, one of the most well-known techniques in the field of forensic anthropology. Facial reconstruction allows facilitating identification by the victim’s family to be easy and more definite.


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Denis Ava
Denis Avahttps://bizgrows.com/
Denis Ava is mainly a business blogger who writes for Biz Grows. Rather than business blogs he loves to write and explore his talents in other niches such as fashion, technology, travelling,finance,etc.

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